
Connections Blue LED 420x326

Connection is the only true catalyst leading to engagement. We get this wrong much of the time. In relationships it’s empty chatter and in business distracted rote actions. Dig deep – shallow wells run dry quickly.

Ads Everywhere 448x331
Ad Overload

The average internet user is exposed to somewhere between 5,000 – 10,000 ads per day. It is no surprise that most ad campaigns flop terribly. We want to expand our list of differentiators. Add your ideas and we will send…

AT Email
Why is email better?

– More Reach An opted in email list can has an open rate, on average, of almost 22%. Organically, less then 6% of your followers will see a new post on Facebook. – Longer Exposure An email can linger in…

269 billion emails were sent every day in 2017

Email is the most used method of electronic communication in the world. Projections show that by the end of 2019, we can expect to see 2.9 billion worldwide email users (which is more than one-third of the global population). In…

web development
Plan or Fail : Web and App Development

“He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” No place is this famous principle more true than in the areas of website construction and app development. The Internet is a virtual burial ground for ideas. Many businesses that invest in…

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